The ConnectedPE Online Conference 2024
Where FREE High Quality Professional Development Comes To You
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Featured talks
Not sure what to watch? Here are some talks you won't want to miss.
It's time to get focused on the areas you need help with
Unlike physical conferences where you can end up sitting through the content you just don't need, The ConnectedPE Online Conference is delivered entirely online. Dip in and watch the specific talks you need to transform your PE classroom or catch them all. It’s up to you!
View the schedule27 February 2024, 08:00 AM

27 February 2024, 01:00 AM

25 February 2024, 08:00 PM

26 February 2024, 08:00 AM

Meet Our Amazing Presenters from all Over the Globe
Our presenters will be sharing years of knowledge, strategies and tactics. If you’re focused on growing your practice we've got you covered.
Meet the speakersFollow your favourite topics for exclusive content and offers
Choose the topics you'd like to follow and we'll keep you up to date with its content, expert advice and exclusive offers.
Is this really FREE?
Yes. You can register for a FREE pass and access all live sessions and replays for up to 48 hours.
Will the sessions be recorded?
All sessions will be recorded and available to those whom register for sessions for 48 hours. You can also extend this access to 30 days with a premium access pass.
Alternatively all session material, recordings, audio transcripts and more will be available inside the ConnectedPE Community for full members only for ongoing access. Join membership here
What's a premium access pass?
We know life gets busy, so purchase a premium access pass to extend your replay access & certificate generation to 30 days.
Can I get a certificate of attendance for my professional development record?
Our webinar software tracks attendance and will issue a certificate if you complete the full webinar. If you leave early then we cannot credit you for incomplete professional development. You can also generate your own certificate for the replay inside of the ConnectedPE website or mobile app
What's the ConnectedPE Community?
The ConnectedPE Community is a year long professional development experience thats available right now at The Online Conference is a small example of whats provided on an ongoing basis. Join 1250+ Teachers who receive high level professional development via the community.
Do you have an app?
Yes we do and inside you'll find 24/7 access to an ever expanding library of 100’s of Hours of On Demand Professional Learning with Certification. Available for free, the NEW ConnectedPE iPhone/iPad & Android app includes 10+ hours of video courses with certificate for FREE members.
Download the app for FREE below